Landlord Services

Supporting Landlords in North London 

Safety Certificates &
Boiler servicing

As a Landlord you have a legal obligation (The Landlord and Tenant  Act 1985) to have all your gas appliances checked yearly and to keep water, gas and electrical systems in good working condition. We work regularly with landlords and property developers ensuring boiler, heating and gas systems are well maintained, safe and compliant to regulations.
Through working with and talking to many landlords and letting agents over the years we have found many had been led to believe discovered that safety certificates and servicing are the same thing and therefore were not getting their boilers serviced. This led to boilers degrading over time, before eventually breaking down.

We offer:
Gas Safety Certificates (£65)
Boiler Servicing (£85)
Combined Safety Certificate & Boiler Service (£120) 
Saving you £30 on having these services carried out separately

Combined Safety Certificate & Boiler Service


You are obliged to regularly service the boilers at your rental properties. This not only ensures your tenants have a working and safe boiler, it will also help prevent bigger problems arising further down the line.

Above and Beyond Landlord

Explaining some key aspects about the heating systems on your property to your tenants is crucial.  Simple measures like using a timer and thermostat correctly can dramatically save on energy usage and wear and tear.

Make sure radiators are regularly maintained, and that they are bled when necessary. We can show your tenants how to do this, as well as providing usage advice, when completing the Gas Safety Checks and Boiler Service.

Landlords’ Gas Certificates FAQs

All of your gas fittings (e.g. appliances, pipework and flues) should be serviced yearly by a GasSafe registered engineer. You (owners and/or property managers) are responsible for the upkeep of any gas appliances that you have provided in the rental property, including the pipes that supply them. While it’s not a legal requirement, we’d also recommend briefing your tenants on how to close off your gas and water supply in the event of an emergency.

During our inspection we will check that all appliances are functioning correctly. We’ll ensure that  safety mechanisms are operating correctly and that all ventilation paths are clear. 

We will immediately advise you or your property manager of the actions we need to do to make it safe and what remedial work is needed. We may need to cap the gas supply or disconnect the faulty appliance/s. We will endeavour to fix the issues on the same day or within 24 hours (if parts have to be sourced). 

We'VE GOT your back

Gas Safe registered and highly experienced,  we can carry out the checks you need and service your boiler, providing the certification and assurance you need.